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Thread: PayPal Donate System Now Added

  1. #1

    PayPal Donate System Now Added

    A few generous AAChat members inquired recently about donating to the site via PayPal. And like all feature requests, I did my best to oblige.

    And speaking of obliged, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to donate if they don't want to.

    All donations of any amount are sincerely appreciated and will go directly toward the costs of hosting, domain fees, software licenses, etc. This isn't a money-making venture for me, it's a labor of love. Those who want to support it are invited to do so, but those don't or can't are still welcome here. Making everyone feel welcome is one of the primary charters of AAChat.

    A Donate link should now appear in the toolbar, and a list of donors is available under the Quick Links dropdown (I've chosen not to display the donation amounts, only the donors).

    Thanks to all of you who donate to Ariel Atom Chat, whether with your participation, advice, or hard-earned dollars. You are truly appreciated.
    Last edited by Steve; March 14, 2012 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Neutrino MadMaxAtom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Usually in my shop..
    United States
    Be forewarned..the MAX-imum you can donate through PP is $599,999,999,999.99 one time...
    The power of an Atom is a terrible thing to waste! Atom owner/operator since 2007. The more you chase perfection,the faster it becomes. John Force for President! (I asked him once in person...he laughed)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMaxAtom View Post
    Be forewarned..the MAX-imum you can donate through PP is $599,999,999,999.99 one time...
    I'll take your word for it, rather than try a penny more and have that hit my Amex - LOL.

  4. #4

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7

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