So did Lone Star exotics (exotic rental place)
buy the Van Halen car?
So did Lone Star exotics (exotic rental place)
buy the Van Halen car?
Have you heard Van Halen's latest? I think having that car as a rental pretty much somes up how Van Halen is doing, lol
They have a new album? man I've been out of the music scene for too long. Thought dubstep is kinda fun WUBWUBWUBWUB
Well, they had NO luck selling it on eBay, I guess they "made a deal" with a local group.
anyone else take advantage of the 1/2 off rental price on groupon recently?
I'd have to say its the only roll bar where I like how it looks.
I think that foreward rollbar brace looks like shit! Not to mention making entry/exit even more difficult. If you have a windshield,you better have 38" inseams to clear that sucker! I think it is totally unnecessary anyways...Hell..for a 1300lb car just the center hoop is more than enough.
The power of an Atom is a terrible thing to waste! Atom owner/operator since 2007. The more you chase perfection,the faster it becomes. John Force for President! (I asked him once in person...he laughed)
I like the Roll Bar, and I agree with Mad that the brace is a major pain. It would have looked so much better and probably worked just as well without that. Oh well.
"Opportunities do not come to those who wait; they are captured by those who attack."
I'm shocked the car isn't balled up yet. For 30 seconds I toyed with the idea of renting my Atom to a local exotic group (so I could drive 458s, Gallardos, etc for free) but I'd put the over/under on a totaling an Atom at 7 rentals.
If you can keep it shiny it seems like a great money maker - driveline is dirt cheap and I bet you could get at least $1500 a day for it.
2011 Ariel Atom Not Supercharged
2006 Range Rover Sport Supercharged
Renting would be a good way of upping your odds of getting an insurance payout. Just wait for the renter to total it, get your insurance payout to buy a new one!
Insurance?? We don't need no stinking insurance!
I would not drive that car with the side bar brace like that,unless I had a full face helmet and the bar was properly padded. I just don't like it. That thing would do a number on someones noggin in a side accident.
Last edited by MadMaxAtom; April 2, 2012 at 06:35 PM.
The power of an Atom is a terrible thing to waste! Atom owner/operator since 2007. The more you chase perfection,the faster it becomes. John Force for President! (I asked him once in person...he laughed)