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Thread: My browser's been banned?

  1. #1
    Electron Lane's Avatar
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    My browser's been banned?

    Just received this error when visiting this forum today using Firefox 7.0.1, although I had not seen any error for any of my previous Firefox use. Any idea why this is? Had to dust of IE to post this message.

    Ariel Atom 2 #094, Ecotec 300, owner since 2007. Drive, Detail, Improve, Repeat. Visit my website.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    United States
    Steve accidentally banned a few of us a while back. He is probably fiddling with settings again

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    the better question is why does firefox have all the way to version 9 when their addon's don't even work with 4 yet?

  4. #4
    Proton Terry Kennedy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lane View Post
    Just received this error when visiting this forum today using Firefox 7.0.1, although I had not seen any error for any of my previous Firefox use. Any idea why this is? Had to dust of IE to post this message.
    It's just Cloudflare having another hissy fit. I guess it didn't think it was being obnoxious enough with the "no cached content available" errors. Don't feel bad, you're in good company - they do it to Google's web crawler as well: Link

    Note to anyone seeing this in the future - the above link is Google's cached copy of an error it got. Eventually somebody will fix this and the link will actually point to something useful.

    Steve, I think it's time to dump Cloudflare...

  5. #5
    Proton Terry Kennedy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silver View Post
    the better question is why does firefox have all the way to version 9 when their addon's don't even work with 4 yet?
    As far as I can tell, they've lost their marbles. Really.

    Their major versions last for less time than it takes even an agile IT department to qualify a new browser. This pretty much means that they will have zero presence in the corporate environment. Their version numbers are meaningless - the API hasn't changed in a while. They just seem to like to release a major version every month or so. There used to be incremental versions, like 3.6.2. Now, they force the next X.0 on everybody, with only the occasional "we screwed up totally and didn't test it enough, here's X.0.1 which maybe we tested a little more".

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Kennedy View Post
    As far as I can tell, they've lost their marbles. Really.

    Their major versions last for less time than it takes even an agile IT department to qualify a new browser. This pretty much means that they will have zero presence in the corporate environment. Their version numbers are meaningless - the API hasn't changed in a while. They just seem to like to release a major version every month or so. There used to be incremental versions, like 3.6.2. Now, they force the next X.0 on everybody, with only the occasional "we screwed up totally and didn't test it enough, here's X.0.1 which maybe we tested a little more".

    yeah It auto updated to version 9.0, I had to delete it and redownload 3.6X to get a workable version.......everyone is raving about chrome, but I haven't tried it yet.

  7. #7
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    I couldn't agree with you more Terry, it just makes no sense

  8. #8
    Sigh. CloudFlare does a great job with cacheing and acceleration, but their "threat blocking" algos seem excessive.

    "Adjust your basic security level to modify CloudFlare's protection behavior. A lowsecurity setting will challenge only the most threatening visitors. A high security setting will challenge all visitors that have exhibited threatening behavior within the last 14 days. Essentially off will act only against the most grievous offenders. We recommend starting out at medium."

    I had it on medium, and was tempted to turn it to low, but after this post I've turned it to Essentially Off.

    Lemme know if anyone else gets blocked.

  9. #9
    Electron Lane's Avatar
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    Still a no-go. Current error msg:

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    Ariel Atom 2 #094, Ecotec 300, owner since 2007. Drive, Detail, Improve, Repeat. Visit my website.

  10. #10

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