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Thread: Video Data Logger

  1. #1
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    Video Data Logger

    I am considering purchasing a combination Video and GPS Data Logger for use at track days.

    I have, for the most part, reduced the number of units I am considering down to 2:

    1) The Race Technology DL1 / Video4 combination ... 30607.html

    2) The RaceLogic Video VBOX lite

    I am curious if anybody has any experience using either of these in an Atom. I doubt I will be using many of the more advanced features of either of these units, but I want to be able to expand in the future.

    Also, I like that each of these has a seperate camera and microphone, as getting decent sound is important to me, and I don't think this is possible with an integrated unit in an open car like the Atom.

    Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    Re: Video Data Logger

    Craig, the Race tech can be upgraded to a 20 hz GPS can the VBox? I see that they are both 10 stock and for a tight track that may not be enough. Boy, the prices have come down a lot since I looked into this. Another thing to consider is when you are tired of trying to see your dash, Race Tech has one that looks like it fits under the bubble, which is something that I have been meaning to look into.

  3. #3
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    Re: Video Data Logger

    Hey Norm,

    I have found some very interesting differences between the two units.

    First, the price for the two units when configured similarly is very close. Neither are cheap, but not out-of-this-world expensive either.

    Regarding the 20hz GPS: This is a bit of fancy marketing on Race Tech's part. The GPS feed from the satellites runs at 10 hz, so there really is no such thing as 20 hz GPS, but the DL1 unit uses accelerometers to increase the accuracy to what is the equivalent of 20 hz. As far as I can tell, the Vbox doesn't have any accelerometers, and relies purely upon the GPS signal for location/speed (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong here). In theory, this is not going to be as accurate, but the advantage is it can be oriented in any position in the car, whereas the DL1 needs to be mounted flat (horizontal).

    Both units have an in-car display available, which can be configured to show just about anything.

    I know that Jay currently uses a DL1. It seems that the DL1 is more common among the Atom community, which might be enough of a reason for me to choose it over the Vbox. I'd really like to compare Jay's 1:13 lap at PGP with my best of 1:15 to see where I am giving up speed.

  4. #4
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    Re: Video Data Logger

    Funny thing I use GPS every day to position objects on the earth to hundredths of a foot, but, the hz does not enter into my calculations as i do not deal with a moving solution. Other than a moving RTK solution is far superior to a static RTK solution. I know GPS very very well and did not know that. Interesting point. I am agreeing with you and I am now thinking of the DL1 for next year, our season is essentially over. I looked a while ago and was not pleased at the price point and it is way down from that. I would still get the 20 hz option myself as the devil is in the details much of the time and I want as much detail as possible.

  5. #5
    Jay is offline
    Up Quark
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    Re: Video Data Logger

    Emailed it to you craig, let me know if you have any questions.


  6. #6
    Up Quark
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    All the SRA cars will have a VBox Lite, so I'm sure several owners will be able to give you some feedback in a few weeks. I'll post some videos after the first race week-end.

    The TMI development car also has a VBox (but not the Light, I believe).

  7. #7
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    if you have an iphone 4 there is an application (I forget the name) that records in HD widescreen, shows your your G's and records laptimes automatically via GPS.

    I can't wait to get the next Iphone (currently I have a droid) when my upgrade is available ONLY so I can purchase this application.

    it eliminates the need for any type of camera or anything, all you have to do is figure out where to mount your phone.

    app is called Harry's lap timer

    here's a video made with it,

  8. #8
    Proton DarthChicken's Avatar
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    THAT is outstanding! I really don't want an iphone4 because of the lack of flash and java support, but man... that's something else. I gotta believe something like this will be available on the droid platform at some point though.

  9. #9
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    That is very cool. I have the Android Trackaroo and haven't used it yet, but, I don't think it is in the same ballpark

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthChicken View Post
    THAT is outstanding! I really don't want an iphone4 because of the lack of flash and java support, but man... that's something else. I gotta believe something like this will be available on the droid platform at some point though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    That is very cool. I have the Android Trackaroo and haven't used it yet, but, I don't think it is in the same ballpark
    I was at eagles canyon about a year ago when I first saw this application, in addition to what you see here it allows you to email / upload each individual lap, as it automatically seperates laps into files for you, and the app also compares each lap time for you.

    it's superb software, PLUS the fact that the iphone takes such good video....I wish android would get there, but I'm not holding out hope therefore I'll be changing to iphone 5 whenever it is released.

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