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Thread: Does anyone recognize this post?

  1. #1
    Proton Terry Kennedy's Avatar
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    Does anyone recognize this post?

    No, not this one

    I saw a post and I can't recall if it was here or over on the AAOC forum.

    It was about LSJ clutch pressure plate bolts, and noted that some company had special ones available from GM Racing. I believe there was a reply that said "I can't find them on his web site" with a followup of "they're not on the web site, you have to call".

    Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? If so, can you please point me to it?

    The reason I'm asking is that Tom has my car apart and one of the things he's doing is changing the clutch guts. The GM 19212713 kit comes with 90470712 clutch pressure plate bolts, which are not the size used on my Atom. Apparently my Atom is old enough that it has one of the few powertrains that Brammo got from GM Racing, rather than stock crate engines.

    Tom has a call into GM, but as you know, GM Racing was gutted some years ago.

  2. #2
    Proton Terry Kennedy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Kennedy View Post
    Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? If so, can you please point me to it?
    This would have been within the last month, perhaps much more recent than that.

    I would have edited the above post, but for some reason the Edit function is generating invalid code and changes can't be saved. [Yes, I'll report this to Steve.]

  3. #3
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    Is that the standard OEM replacement clutch for the ecotec? Is it only a partial kit? I cant find that part number doing a search for it.

    I cant imagine a clutch kit not coming with its own pressure plate bolts.
    When I ordered this one, the kit came with the bolts.

    here are ARP flywheel bolts and that is what you may be thinking of.

  4. #4
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    yep, editing is broken.

    Thinking more about it, the pressure plate bolts are going to bolt to the flywheel. If they dont fit you must have a different flywheel.

  5. #5
    Proton Terry Kennedy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolus View Post
    Is that the standard OEM replacement clutch for the ecotec? Is it only a partial kit? I cant find that part number doing a search for it.

    I cant imagine a clutch kit not coming with its own pressure plate bolts.
    When I ordered this one, the kit came with the bolts.
    That's the kit. ...12 vs. ...13 is the spec vs. the kit part number.

    The kit came with the bolts. Tom ordered the kit, a flywheel, and the internal clutch pipe.

    He emailed me and said things didn't fit, and I couldn't find the post I talked about up above, so I figured I'd ask here.

    Here is Tom's exact mail to me:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Smurzynski
    I started installing the Cobalt SS upgrade kit p/n 19212712 Installed new LSJ flywheel and the locating pins for the pressure plate on the flywheel are 6 ml. and the holes that are in the upgrade pressure plate are 8 ml. being the bolts are not sleeved to center the pressure plate holes. We feel there could be a vibration problem and I have contacted GM directly and still in a conversation with them. If you see or hear anything out there, let me know. I getting mixed signals from dealers etc.
    I figured I'd ask here as I'm having some health issues at the moment and typing and phoning are both somewhat difficult at present.

  6. #6
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    I hope you feel better soon,

    hmm, that's weird. The upgraded clutch and flywheel all fit together fine when I had it. I gave it to Atomizer and he installed it without any problems.

    this was my kit

  7. #7
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    I would give John Powell at Powell racing a call. He built the time attack Cobalt's for GM and has quite a knowledge base on them. I think he is your time zone, more or less, except he is in Canada

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