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Thread: Atom is the best Christmas present ever!

  1. #1
    Up Quark
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    United States

    Atom is the best Christmas present ever!

    A few weeks ago, my wife and I decided to drive up to VIR and visit the Atom factory there. We met with Mark Swain, who kindly showed us around and explained how the Atom was built. It was an incredible experience that I'll never forget. Mark was awesome and very helpful with all of my questions. We did, what I thought at the time, was a simulation build -- to get an idea of price, and to go over each of the options and the differences. I had intended to return in 2013 to get this thing going. But my wife had other plans.

    For Christmas, my wife surprised me with a deposit placed on a new custom Ariel Atom 3. We open gifts a little early each year hehe. Chassis #AA30175. I honestly can't wait! We are having the frame painted to match my rare lamborghini color, Blu Cepheus, with everything else black and carbon where available. Should be one of a kind. Here's a sample pic she photoshopped for me. Mine will have the front and rear wing as well though. I look forward to spending alot of time here on these forums, asking many questions and reading about others experiences.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    United States
    Welcome! That sure is the best christmas present ever! I just received mine a few weeks ago, and I love it! Looking forward to pics of it along side your Lambo!

  3. #3
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Lake Tapps, WA
    United States
    I like the color combo. Welcome. My wife avoids rides in mine, so, you are a lucky guy!

    I am really not liking the new head lights, in that pic they look like a Wallace and Gromit set of mittens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    United States
    wow, great present!
    the high profile toy thrower

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Vhayne View Post
    A few weeks ago, my wife and I decided to drive up to VIR and visit the Atom factory there. We met with Mark Swain, who kindly showed us around and explained how the Atom was built. It was an incredible experience that I'll never forget. Mark was awesome and very helpful with all of my questions. We did, what I thought at the time, was a simulation build -- to get an idea of price, and to go over each of the options and the differences. I had intended to return in 2013 to get this thing going. But my wife had other plans.

    For Christmas, my wife surprised me with a deposit placed on a new custom Ariel Atom 3. We open gifts a little early each year hehe. Chassis #AA30175. I honestly can't wait! We are having the frame painted to match my rare lamborghini color, Blu Cepheus, with everything else black and carbon where available. Should be one of a kind. Here's a sample pic she photoshopped for me. Mine will have the front and rear wing as well though. I look forward to spending alot of time here on these forums, asking many questions and reading about others experiences.

    remember to post here:

    so u can join the list, i would really love to see a better adoption of the registry.. would be great to be able to see who is where considering only ~170 TMI AA3's exist in the USA.. and would love to know how many are street driven... there is more than 170 bmw's within a 500ft radius of my car at all times.. crazy to think only 170 AA3 in USA.

  6. #6
    Particle Scuderia VA's Avatar
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    Cool. Congrats and look forward to hearing about your final build and options. (May I suggest Carbon Fiber and more carbon fiber)

    I'm fairly new to ownership as well. Although, not a surprise and more of a diabolical substitute to a motorcycle, mine was a Bday gift from my wife.

    As I'm always curious to see what others drive... your matching Blue Cepheus has me intrigued. Which Bull will be a stablemate to your awesome Christmas gift?


  7. #7
    Up Quark
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuderia VA View Post

    Cool. Congrats and look forward to hearing about your final build and options. (May I suggest Carbon Fiber and more carbon fiber)

    I'm fairly new to ownership as well. Although, not a surprise and more of a diabolical substitute to a motorcycle, mine was a Bday gift from my wife.

    As I'm always curious to see what others drive... your matching Blue Cepheus has me intrigued. Which Bull will be a stablemate to your awesome Christmas gift?

    The plan is to reverse the color coordination. Where the lambo is mostly blue with black and carbon, the Atom will be mostly black with blue and carbon.
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  8. #8
    Particle Scuderia VA's Avatar
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    Automobili Lamborghini!


    Thanks for sharing.

    Those two will look awesome together.


  9. #9
    Up Quark Scuderia-San-Antonio's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    United States
    Very nice, congrats!

  10. #10
    Neutrino Norm's Avatar
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    Lake Tapps, WA
    United States
    I have been waiting to see a blue frame with black. This will look awesome!

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