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Thread: Ariel Atom Owner Registry

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    United States
    I tried to add myself, but get a "You need permission" error.

    I tried requesting permission, but no love.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    United States
    Registry no longer accessable

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Dallas Texas...YEE-HAW
    United States
    Gage's 2007 thread from the other forum, looks like there's a lot of text errors but here's a copy / paste you can start a new registry

    LAST UPDATED: 2/20/07 Thank you all for your help with the details.

    I've updated, condensed, and added to this information from the original thread. I am creating this new thread to put the information in the first post in a more organized display. This took awhile to do, but all for a good cause.

    This list is entirely for the fun of it, voluntary, and probably not entirely correct. It helps some of us get an idea of how close our car is to completion and gives us all an idea of how the production is going at Brammo. (eventually we will have an accurate and updating estimate of start to finish build times) This is also a useful way to schedule road trips with fellow Atom owners who may be driving their cars home, as we plan to do.
    From what I have been told, the information below provides no assurance as to when your car, or in what order your car will be delivered to you. But we don??t care do we? Something is better than nothing.

    I will also quote Bottoz: ??Obviously, it is a Major item of interest for Brammo Built Buyers. It may also help prospective buyers see progress and wait times.?

    Feel free to Add your Atom??s production number to the list below by posting or sending me a private message and I??ll update it. That number is the last two digits of your P.I.N. a.ka. V.I.N. If you have ordered an Atom, you can call and get this number months before your car goes into production. I have been told that your sales order number and invoice number have very little to with accurately determining your place in "out the door production" because other items are also assigned those numbers, but on the theory that it does help...I am including S.O. numbers for those who wish to compare against fellow new Atom owners numbers.

    Please note: This list is not intended to argue with what Brammo has told you about your Atom. (what order it was built in etc.) What you have been told is probably right! One PIN numbered car sequentially numbered higher(farther from zero) could have been built well ahead of another PIN car numbered higher(closer to zero). This is only a record of sequentially numbered Atoms, and their approximate build times.

    If your screen name is on the list and you don??t want it there, I??ll gladly take it off. Thank you for contributing. I hope to see you at Atomfest.

    If there is a error below, please let me know so I can correct it as soon as possible. I will write my own name backwards and think I did it right. ;D Thanks guys.

    Imported Atoms in the USA in unknown production order
    DerekFSU will soon import a 450hp Atom

    1rst Brammo Series (Using U.K. issued batch of identification numbers)
    The following list is in no official order other than PIN Number. One car may have been built or received before another PIN Number. Also, real names of Atom owners who have not published their names have been starred out. None of this is canon or gospel, or necessarily true or correct. Its all just guesses based on word of mouth information.
    1 #? - Demo Atom - First Produced but frame bent in powder coating
    2 #? - Leno (First Official Ariel Atom by Brammo)
    3 #271 - dbarnets - Earliest known PIN number for a USA Atom.
    4 #? - Spring Mtn
    5 #278 - KiwiCraig
    6 #? - Ba*******? - Screen Name unknown
    7 #??? - Atomizer - Brammo said Atomizer's Atom was seventh completed by order of construction - Completed 6/6/2006
    8 #280 - 1965Cobra427 - Car Ordered: 9/5/05 ?? Delivered 6/21/06 - Brammo said Cobra's Atom was 3rd constructed
    9 #282 - MattF Fe*******? Not sure if name matches screen-name
    10 #? - Go******* - Screen Name unknown
    11 #? - He******* - Screen Name unknown
    12 #285 - Terry Kennedy
    13 #? - Cu******* - Screen Name unknown
    14 #? - Ha******* - Screen Name unknown
    15 #? - Ab******* - Screen Name unknown
    16 #? - Ro******* - Screen Name unknown
    17 #?
    18 #? - Ro******* - Screen Name unknown
    19 #? - Pe******* - Screen Name unknown

    2nd Brammo Series (Using U.S. issued batch of identification numbers)
    I'm jealous of the 007 car. You got the Bond Atom Dammit! :tu:
    1 Car received ?
    2 Mr. Woolery - Ordered 12/28/05 - Delivered 8/29/06
    3 - 4 Car received ?
    5 Patentshark - Ordered 12/30/05 - Delivered 9/27/06
    6 Bolus - Completed 9/8/06 - Delivered 9/16/06
    7 wgriswold - Ordered: 4/27/06 - Completed: 11/17/06 - Delivered: 11/20/06
    8 Owner's Screen name unknown
    9 Reportedly the New 300hp Demonstrator car
    10 Krispy - Car received
    11 (Car received ?)
    12 Myfire48 - Ordered 3/2006 - Completed 10/2006
    13 (Car received ?)
    14 KenAZUSA - Car received
    17 Karl - Car received - Ordered: 5/23/2006 - EC: December 18nth 2006 (went from 34 to 17)
    19 Currently in the assembly line
    20 ? known fact - Car under construction as of 10/20/06 Car probably received
    22 Cicatrix - Car Received
    23 EricHowe? Car received November 1rst?
    25 Gofaster/Craig Martin - Car received on or near: 12/7/06
    26 Rock - Ordered: 5/4/06 - Car completed 12/12/2006 Delivered by Hog Haulers
    27 Ebeck - Ordered: 5/10/06 Car received 12/23/2006 Delivered by Hog Haulers
    28 Currently in the assembly line
    30 Taz Was nearing completion as of January 4rth 2007 - Picked up for delivery on 2/2/07
    31 ?
    32 Kempo - SO# 207 ?? Ordered 5/6/2006 EC: 1/7/2007 - Picked up for delivery on 2/2/07
    33 ?
    34 Was Karls - LoL - Congratulations Karl.
    35 - 36 ?
    37 ? - Chassi formerly assigned to Gage and Moysey. Powder Coated the wrong color. Who will the new owner be?
    38 NP - Ordered: 8/7/06 - Powder Coat: 12/8/06 - Assembly: 1/8/07 EC: 1/18/07, Then 2/1/07 - Completed around 1/18/07 - Delivered 2/2/07
    39 Jammer - SO# 220 - Ordered: - 7/24/2006 - Powder Coating: 12/14/06 - Assembly: 1/9/07 - EC: Was 2/15ish,
    Then 2/25/07 - Now 2/1/07 - Completed: 1/24/07
    44 Moysey and Gage - First Blue Body Panel Atom. Ordered: 7/7/2006 - Chassis #37 Powder Coating: 12/7/06 -
    Chassis #44 Powder Coating 12/29/06 - Current Status: Assembly Queue - EC: From 2/15/07 to now 1/18/07 to now 2/1/07
    We originally had Chassi #37 and we were moved DOWN to #44. Completed: 1/18/07 Delivery: 2/18/07
    45 ? In same production time frame as #30 and #32 (Friend of Kempo's) Picked up for delivery on 2/2/07
    46 Bottoz - SO# 224 - Ordered: 8/18/2006 - Welding: 12/29/06 - Powder Coating: 1/4/07 - Fabrication: 1/6/07 - Assembly Que: 1/9/07 - Assembly: 1/30/07 - EC:
    3/19/07 Completed: Valentines Day, February 14nth
    47 - 56 ?
    57 DarthChicken - SO#228 - Ordered: 09/02/06 - E.C.: 3/15/2007
    59 Maverick1 - Ordered: 9/15/2006 - EC: 3/15/2007
    60 Silver - SO# 229 - Ordered: 9/15/06 - Weld Begins: 1/20/07 - Chassis completely welded: 1/26/07 - Chassis to powder coating:1/31/07 - Powder Coating Finished:
    2/9/07 - EC: March 9, 2007
    61 Cobra1169 - Ordered: 9/15/06
    62 - 65
    66 - Toby - Ordered: Sometime before 10/12/2006 - Deposit made 10/12/06
    67 - 68
    69 - Mark K - Yellow 230hp - SO# 237 - Ordered: 10/5/06 - Deposit acknowleded: 10/10/06 - EC: (etimated completion) First week of May
    70 - cshama - Welding: 4/15/07
    72 241 Jerrdog - SO# 241 ?? 10/13/06 ?? EC: 4/07
    73 Positron - SO #257 - Ordered: 10/7/2006 EC: 6/07/2007
    75 RyanD - SO #243 - Ordered: 10/13/06 - EC: 4/11/07
    78 dpford - SO# 244 - Ordered: 10/12/06 - Could be going to weld at the end of February
    80 rfmarz - SO# 248 - EC: Last week of April
    82 Traffic53 - Ordered: 10/15/06 - Probably the last 300hp Honda Motor of the 9.
    85 Fiestycolumbian - Ordered: 10/17/06 SO#: 251 - EC: April/May 2007 - Possibly the last Honda 245hp Atom from the original 9.

    By Order Date and/or S.O. Number, No PIN yet:
    226 07Atom - SO# 226 - (EC)Estimated Completion: February 19, 2007
    231 cobra1169 - SO# 231 - Ordered: 9/15-9/20
    242 Rascal - SO# 242 Ordered - 10/13/06
    ? DRIVER - Deposit Made
    ? Wmcmanus - Ordered: 12/22/06 Dep.: 12/27/06
    ? 1965Cobra427 - Ordered: 12/21/06

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    United States
    Wow, there's really not that many of us.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    United States
    that list is from like 2008. Steve should fix up his post with all the updates
    the high profile toy thrower

  6. #26
    Lepton AtomJohnny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    New Zealand
    Found out the Ariel UK serial/chassis numbers of a few other New Zealand cars. AA03H2022BNRAM107, AA03H2022BNRAM115 and AA07H2022FNRAM456. The last one, #456, is a 2008 model.
    01100001 01110100 01101111 01101101 00110001

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    United States
    Wow, this list died 6 years ago and was never revived.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    United States
    there was concern over having too much information in the registry that a DMV office might use it against an owner to revoke registration.
    the high profile toy thrower

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Blog Entries
    Hello everyone!

    Please take a look at our website for those who want to have an Atom V8 to 1/18 scale inside their homes . We send the models worldwide.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me at email for any questions.

    Thank you!


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    United States
    I currently own 000003 on the first series. I will be selling it soon though.

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